Change Log
May 15th, 2022
Definition of time for Stamina and time to replenish
Name change for Soft Cap and Hard Cap to Daily Cap and Bonus Cap, respectively
Clarification of the relationship between Stamina and Land, Tiles, and Spots
Redefined Traps (increase user's Stamina rather than steal someone else's)
Name change of Slow Mode to Open mode
Redefined the relationship between Charisma earned by inviting friends and the Stamina of invited friends
Clarified the definition of Charisma and the relationship between Land and Tiles
Defined the withdrawal conditions and rental mode participation for Open Mode users depending on Charisma level
Defined withdrawal conditions for Open Mode users
Clarified definitions of Fever, Fever Stats, and Fever Gauge
Refined reduction policy in case of non-continuous exercise
Name change of Modes and definition of compensation, extension, and earning cap of exercise
Removed Endurance among the abilities of shoes
Added an extra shoe mode (Unlimited Mode)
Changed the stats value of shoe's grade abilities
Definition and description of a shoe's skin
Definition and description of the composition of a guild according to a shoe's skin
Changes in the composition of the SNKRZ Land (Spot, Tile, Land)
Definition and description of Spot
Definition and description of Tile
Changes in FNF supply and added more burning mechanics
Last updated