This whitepaper was produced to clarify the services provided by the SNKRZ team, and it may be reviewed and amended as the project progresses and other variables change.
This whitepaper's content reflects only the company's direction and development and is subject to change at any point after publication.
This whitepaper's version may be altered and updated on a regular basis, depending on the necessity for content modification.
If the content of this whitepaper is illegal in a country or region, it must not be reproduced, modified, or distributed in whole or in part.
Furthermore, if people from countries or regions that stipulate the contents of this whitepaper illegally recognize the contents of this whitepaper and invest in it, they do so at their own risk, and the SNKRZ team bears no legal liability for it.
The contents of this whitepaper are not responsible for any errors, schedule delays, or other issues that may arise during the provision and development of services, and no one can be held liable for them.
Under no circumstances should the contents of this whitepaper be construed as legal, financial, accounting, tax, or other advice, and separate laws in accordance with each country and region's policies and regulations, finance, accounting, taxation, and other issues may arise during the process of purchasing and using SKZ/FNF tokens.
Purchasers and users may require legal assistance in this regard, and the SNKRZ team is not responsible for this.
The details of the future plan are contained in this whitepaper, which was created based on the plan's realization.
However, this does not ensure the integrity of the service produced in the future, and neither does the content of this whitepaper.
Due to factors beyond the control of the SNKRZ team, such as third-party system assaults, natural disasters, and force majeure, the ecosystem's formation may be delayed or other tangible and intangible damages may occur.
The SNKRZ team is not liable for any risk incurred by the user as a result of the loss or disclosure of the buyer's personal key or seed phrase.
Events like decrease in token value, changes in the market climate, uncertainty, political risk, and rivalry with competitors could occur, causing the development of SKZ/FNF tokens and platforms to be halted or service direction and plans to be altered.
All choices, including the ecosystem operation policy and operation suspension, are determined at the discretion of the SNKRZ team, and no decisions are delegated or transferred to others.
Last updated